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Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners

Medically reviewed by Dr Minoo Ghamari  / Feb 05, 2024  
Medically reviewed by Dr Minoo Ghamari  
Feb 05, 2024  
Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners

Are you unsure whether Invisalign or Angel Aligners are the best options for you? Finding the perfect method can be tricky when deciding how to straighten your teeth, but it doesn't need to be.

Here at Gorgeous Smiles, we believe a smile you love should be available to everyone, and that is why we are here today. We have a detailed guide exploring the differences between Invisalign and Angel Alingers. We are looking at the treatment approach, technology used, cost, and more to help you see which clear aligner treatment is right for you.

What We Are Going To Cover:

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Treatment Approach

The initial treatment approach is similar for both aligners. The 3D model created with Invisalign gives customers a better view of their teeth and what to expect, while AI-assisted creation with Angel Aligners can be helpful.

The biggest difference is that Angel Aligner has no checkups as you use your removable clear aligners. In contrast, Invisalign offers six-week checkups to assess your progress as you straighten your teeth.

Invisalign Treatment Approach

The Invisalign Treatment approach is broken down into three steps, showing you what to expect every step of the way.

Step 1 - Consultation

We start with a consultation. Here, we discuss what you would like to achieve with Invisalign aligners and if you are a candidate for it. A 3D model of your smile is created. Using the Invisalign SmileView, you can see your new smile and make any adjustments you wish.

We chat through the likely time frame, cost, and answer any questions you might have. Once you are happy, the custom Invisalign aligners are created.

Step 2 - Treatment Begins

Once the aligners arrive, you will be invited for a second appointment with one of our CBD dentists. The aligner will be fitted, we will check that it is correct, and we will show you how to use it correctly.

We will review your treatment plan and give you a set of alingers. These will be changed every two weeks as your treatment progresses and your smile changes.

We will invite you back every six weeks to monitor your progress and make any adjustments to your plan. We will also carry out any necessary dental work, like plaque build-up cleaning.

Step 3 - Enjoy Your Smile

The course duration varies, but you should see results within three months! Those whose course ends will switch to nighttime retainers and get to enjoy their new smile!

Angel Aligners Treatment Approach

The Angel Aligners treatment approach is similar to Invisalign aligners. Our step-by-step guide below will show you what to expect:

  • Step 1 - Meet with your dentist to discuss Angel Aligners and see if you are a candidate. Your dentist will ask what you want to achieve before taking images of your teeth. These will be used to create custom-fitted aligners from Angel Aligners
  • Step 2 - Your aligners are to be worn using a 7+3 aligner system. You wear your first aligner for seven days, applying gentle and continuous force. Then, you switch to a second and stiffer aligner for three days to have better control over tooth movement
  • Step 3 - Repeat the process until your treatment is complete. You do not visit your dentist in between; switching the aligners yourself at home

Angel Aligner also offer Angel Aligner Pro, Select, and MasterControl S. These other aligner trays operate differently. Pros are a dual aligner, which you wear for seven days before adjusting and wearing for a further three. Select focus on gently moving your teeth, and MasterControl S features a self-adaptive material that controls your tooth movements.

Your dentist can discuss these options to help you find the removable retainers that work for you.

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Treatment Duration

Invisalign aligners are quicker than Angel Aligners. This depends on the type of retainer used, the number of concerns addressed, and how carefully you follow your treatment plan.

Invisalign Treatment Duration

The duration of your treatment depends on the results you want to achieve and how much work is required. On average, treatment lasts from three to eighteen months. During your consultation, a time frame will be provided to see how long it will be before you see your new smile.

The treatment plan must be followed correctly for these time frames to be accurate.

Angel Aligners Treatment Duration

Treatment duration varies depending on the orthodontic treatment required, the aligner you use, and how well you follow the treatment plan. Treatment time can be anywhere from six months to two years, with an average of twelve to fourteen months.

Customers who straighten teeth should find the process quicker than those with complex concerns involving considerable tooth movement or overbite issues. When you speak to your dentist about Angel Aligners, they should offer an estimated time frame based on your specific requirements.

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Technological Features

Angel Aligners offers enhanced technological features across their range of aligners, offering results previously only seen with fixed retainers or traditional braces. These features are excellent for specific concerns. To provide straighter teeth overall or improve spacing, Invidaligns's technology can achieve this while keeping you comfortable when you wear the aligner.

Invisalign Technological Features

There are three main technology features Invisalign uses to deliver a perfect smile:

  • SmartForce Attachments- The features and attachments help your aligners deliver the desired results. A power ridge, bite ramps, and precision cuts are some of the attachments that can help address your concerns and provide you with a perfect smile
  • SmartStage Technology - Programmes each tooth movement at the same time, allowing us to predict your results, and helps you see the results quickly
  • SmartTrack Material - Provides gentle and constant forces to control the movement of your teeth. The material used speeds up your treatment time, too, helping you see results quickly

Angel Aligners Technological Features

Angel Aligners are constantly creating innovative technologies to improve orthodontic efficiency. A few of these are used in their aligners:

  • Enhanced stain resistance - The polymer is protected so you can enjoy your favourite foods and drinks without worrying about staining and discolouration
  • Dual aligner - These aligners offer both gentle pressure and concentrated force to increase tooth movement, allowing you to achieve your goals quickly
  • Mandibular advancement - Helps to improve deep overjets and retrusive lower jaws, providing you with results that other aligners cannot offer

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Cost

The cost of aligners varies depending on the aligner you choose, how many you need, and the concerns you are addressing. The aligners can be paid for on a payment plan, spreading the cost, and making the perfect smile accessible for everyone.

Invisalign Cost

The Cost of Invisalign depends on the treatment plan. Customers pay between $6,000 and $9,000 on average, but some treatments can start at $3,500. We have some guidelines below so you can see what typical prices are:

  • Invisalign Full: $7,000 - $9,000
  • Invisalign Lite: $5,000 - $7,000
  • Invisalign i7: $3,500 - $5,500

Payment plans are also offered at Gorgeous Smiles, allowing you to spread the cost of your Invisalign. This allows us to make beautiful smiles accessible to everyone. A special consultation is offered where you will be given a price for your treatment and shown the payment plans available.

Angel Aligners Cost

The cost of Angel Aligners varies, making it tricky for us to give you a price today. The cost depends on the concerns addressed, the type of Angel Aligner you use, and what your dentist charges you for consultations and appointments.

Your dentist might also offer you a payment plan, allowing you to spread the cost of the clear aligners. Be mindful that this payment plan could be liable to interest, which could cost you more in the long term. Speak to your dentist about the cost before committing to your new aligners.

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Customer Experience

There isn't much information about Angel Aligners readily available for prospective customers, leaving you a little in the dark. Invisalign offers plenty of information up front and plenty of positive reviews from customers, so you know what to expect before your first consultation.

Invisalign Customer Experience

Customers were mostly pleased with their Invisalign experience. They appreciated the informative consultation and the opportunity to discuss their desired results.

Some customers found the aligners a little uncomfortable but pain-free, allowing them to use them daily without issues. The plan was easy to incorporate into their lifestyle, making it easier to stick to and guaranteeing results.

A few noted that the process took longer than they anticipated, but the support of their orthodontist and dentist guided them through the process. We have many happy customers, whose results you can see in our before and after pictures.

Angel Aligners Customer Experience

Customers seem impressed with Angel Aligners, with much of the feedback on their website coming from dentists and orthodontists who use their products on their patients. But what about customers? There isn't much information on their website that would be helpful to customers. Their innovations are well documented, but you aren't told much about how the aligners work, what to expect, or even a rough cost.

You would rely on your dentist for this information, meaning you would go into a consultation session blind, unaware of what to expect.

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Customer Support

There isn't much information about the customer support you get from Angel Aligners. Most of the support would come from your dentist, who would be on hand to help you and offer guidance where needed. Invisalign focuses on in-person support, with your dental practice guiding you. The regular appointments we offer at Gorgeous Smiles provide you with regular access to support.

Invisalign Customer Support

There is lots of in-person customer support with Invisalign aligners. We are on hand to guide you through the process, adjust your clear aligners, and answer any queries you have. We also offer regular appointments where your progress is checked. We monitor tooth movements to ensure the aligners are working and make adjustments where needed.

We also offer regular checkups, where we check your dental health. You might also have a cleaning to remove plaque build-up, keeping your teeth healthy as they become part of your new smile.

Angel Aligers Customer Support

Your dentist will be your first port of call with Angel Aligners, allowing you to have any queries answered and make adjustments to the aligners where needed. There is an email address and phone number for Angel Aligner's Australian customer support, should you need it. You can find the details on their website and the support team's operating hours.

Invisalign Vs Angel Aligners: Aftercare

The aftercare process is similar, although more information about Invisalign's aftercare process is widely available, allowing prospective customers to learn about the process before committing.

Invisalign Aftercare

Invisalign aftercare must be followed to ensure that the results of these virtually invisible aligners last! Our guidance below shows you what is involved in the aftercare process:

  • You must wear your retainer at night to maintain your results
  • You must attend regular dental checkups and cleanings to maintain your oral health
  • You should avoid staining foods and drinks like berries, coffee, and wine as these can discolour your teeth
  • You must clean your aligners regularly to prevent bacteria and plaque from building up. Lukewarm water and a soft-bristled brush is the best method
  • You must rinse your aligners after use in lukewarm water
  • You must floss and brush regularly to ensure good oral hygiene

Angel Aligners Aftercare

Angel Aligners have similar aftercare needs to Invisalign aligners, regardless of your chosen type. We have outlined the basic aftercare below for you:

  • You must regularly clean your aligners to prevent bacterial build-up; your dentist can advise on how to clean your specific aligner
  • You must wear your aligner at night after your treatment has finished to ensure your moved teeth remain in place
  • You must brush and floss regularly to maintain good oral hygiene
  • You must attend regular dental checkups to check for plaque build-up, tooth decay, and other issues

Get A Invisalign Treatment Consultation

Now that you know the differences between Invisalign and Angel Aligner, we hope you can see which is the perfect solution for you. While Angel Aligners offers innovative technologies, the long treatment time and lack of information on their website do not appeal to everyone.

With Invisalign, you get clear information from the start, a fast treatment time, and constant contact with your dentist. Why not book one of our consultations to see what your new smile could look like? Whether you want to adjust your front teeth or create a new smile, Invisalign can help you achieve those goals!

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